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In the Mind of David
Make sure to check out our head minister's blog and chew on some of his thoughts on faith, community, love, life and the church.
Sep 11, 20196 min read
Can Nations be Christian?
A few years ago, I visited Washington D.C. again, having been to our nation’s capital probably a half dozen times. I am always taken...
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Jun 13, 20184 min read
My Fall from Republican Jesus
In the late 1980’s I became a follower of Jesus. It is a decision which I will never regret. The last 30 years have been some amazing...
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Mar 21, 20183 min read
One Tribe
People all around the World are made of different tribes. Tribes are simply a way in which people view life. Most tribes are...
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Feb 26, 20183 min read
Understanding the Story Beyond our Culture
Imagine you are living in the deep south in the year of 1845. You are part of the Baptist faith. Your denomination has just made the...
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Dec 8, 20173 min read
More Than Belief
During my freshmen year of College at the University of Arizona I was approached by young man who belonged to one of the Christian Campus...
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Oct 25, 20173 min read
What Political Party Would Jesus Endorse Today?
I became a Christian in the late 80’s. Historically this was the time that the “Moral Majority” movement was in full swing. The moral...
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